Refreshments & Amenities

As you wander between the Music Venues, you will find refreshments available throughout the day -

Tea and Cakes  in the Church & the Village Hall from Midday onwards.  Sue & her Team will be

happy to serve you.

Barbeque from Midday to 6.30pm outside the Village Hall - Organised by Lorna Gould and Members 

of the Raft Club Team

(Read about the Raft Club and how it started!)

Licensed Bar  in the Village Hall  to 7pm organised by Phil (our Chief Bar Steward) and Gwyn.

The Tucker's Arms will be open all day.   Our Landlords are David and Kate.

The Dalwood Shop will be open for sweets, ices, biscuits & drinks etc.  A new facility is our coffee shop,  found in

 the village  you can get a reviving cup of freshly brewed coffee to enjoy with friends before you stroll on to your

 next musical experience                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

 Call in and see what's on offer.       Read about the Dalwood Co-operative Shop

Toilets -  Village Hall & Tucker's Arms

FREE CAR PARK - in the centre of the Village. (Thanks to Jane , Hazel & Paul Stapleforth)  

 Please follow the Music Day Car Park signs and  drive very carefully.  

Parking Stewards will be on duty.

There will be a designated parking bay for Disabled Music Lovers by the Church. and  in the Village Hall Car Park.

OPEN GARDEN at Church Cottage (next to the Village Hall)  by kind permission of  Graham for Visitors to the Dalwood Music Day.

Perhaps you'd like to sit & eat your BBQ in the Garden!  



  Lorna is head of the BBQ Team

  (Peter looks nice in his striped pinny!)

THE MEMBERS OF THE DALWOOD RAFT CLUB                                                                                  cook & serve the best tasting beefburgers in East Devon

The BBQ is outside the Village Hall.  You can take your                                                                                            food into Graham's garden (next to the Hall)                 

where tables & chairs will be provided.